- Discount:
- 100
- Expires:
- November 9, 2020
- Retailer:
- Skip The Dishes
Didn’t find a post for this but today between 5 and 9 Freshii is offering a few plates free with free delivery on SkipTheDishes
It is the first 10,000 Canadians to order
You have to select Dinner (on us) from the freshii landing page in the app to get the plate for $1
Looks like if you were not quick with figuring out how to order you missed out.
My order as confirmed and is on the way.
It is the first 10,000 Canadians to order
You have to select Dinner (on us) from the freshii landing page in the app to get the plate for $1
Looks like if you were not quick with figuring out how to order you missed out.
My order as confirmed and is on the way.