August 3, 2022


Edmonton Area. YMMV. Amazing price for thick cut bacon (2.2lbs). Also, there was a limited supply of $2 vendor coupons nearby. Plus a $10 GC coupon in local newspaper with a $50 spend = 20% discount value. Plus highly unusual that an offer this good extends to the first Tues of the month 15% off day. If you stack all three deals (-$2, -15%, -20%) the bacon costs about $5.43.

Note: Coupon must come from non-digital paper. Stores permitting gift card to be immediately redeemed to the order it was earned on.

Needless to say, I completely forgot about the first Tuesday of month discount and bought 8 packs. I was able to do $10/$50 spend twice using family assistance. Still happy with my deal.

