

Both Axe body wash and deodorant are selling for $2.78 with 2000 in-store points

5 x Axe body wash @ $2.78 = $13.90
5 x 2000pts = 10K = $10
5 x CO51 $1.50 = $7.50 (Limit of 5)
$13.90 – $10 – $7.50 = -$3.60
Profit $3.60

6 x Axe deodorant @2.78 + Tax = $16.68
6 x 2000pts = 12K = $12
3000pts WUB2 deodorants
$16.68 – $12 – $9 = -$4.32
Profit $4.32
There is also $1 CO51 for Axe dry spray deodorant (Limit of 1)

Have fun everyone!

Is my math correct, doing it quickly, have something on the stove, lol.