December 27, 2023


Beelink has another sale on for the S12 N95 mini PC. There is a $30 off coupon as well as a 10% discount, except the 10% appears to be applied twice.

Use case? Home lab, Plex/server server, extra light weight PC to keep around the house and use as a media player, or travel around the world with. I have a few of these Beelink/Trigkey mini PC, one on every computer/projector in my home and have had no issues whatsoever. Matter of fact, my N5095 server is my all in one home server, runs jellyfin, tailscale and a bunch of other services for me. It has been turned on constantly since September and it just works. Only complaint with the N5095 is the RAM and Memory can’t be upgraded easily.
This listing is for a much more powerful and flexible system.


