75% off


Regular price is $22.49. Great deal for a stainless steel squeegee.

Amazon product: OXO GG 1060619SS Squeegee, Black
Customer Reviews:
I bought this one over a year ago – before this one I had bought (and returned) from a big box store the only option they had which was a very heavy, 6-inch chrome-handled squeegee. It was bad! it did not do the job of cleaning the windows, plus the chrome handle was very slippery and heavy. And if you dropped it, watch out for ceramic cracks in the shower! | This one is perfect to say the least – short handle so you can go all the way down the glass pane to the floor of the shower in one swoop without being stuck from a too long handle hitting the floor and impeding your long swoop. It is light, will not damage anything if dropped. The suction cup works #1 on my glass pane, never came off. | I am even thinking of buying a 2nd one to keep as backup for when this one is finished in a couple of years time to make sure I have the same one, same brand. | I’ve never posted a review, but for once, I am very happy with a product so I felt I should share my opinion.

