- Link:
- https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07J9L3HDT
- Price:
- 293
- Discount:
- 80%
- Expires:
- November 22, 2020
- Retailer:
- Amazon.ca
Regular price $313
Coupon code: VYSVGZB3 to save another $20
$20 off with promo code VYSVGZB3.
Save $20 when you purchase 1 or more Official Creality Ender-3 Pro 3D printer offered by Mech Solutions Ltd. Enter code VYSVGZB3 at checkout.
Amazon product: 🍁Official Creality Ender-3 Pro🍁 from Canadian local seller-Mech Solutions🍁 Factory Original Supply and Unique Canadian After-Sale Service + 1kg PLA Pro Filament (Please contact us for this special offer) Printing Size: 220x220x250mm
Customer Reviews:
This is my first 3D printer. Prior to receiving this, I had never so much as seen PLA filament, so I’m about as green as it gets in this hobby. That said, I was still able to get this thing assembled in about an hour, and had my first print successful on the first attempt. I was honestly not expecting a successful print right out of the gate, and the quality of the print was much better than I expected also, as I didn’t go through the tedious process of squaring and double checking every little thing. There are a couple of noticeable artifacts in the print, so I will be disassembling and then thoroughly reassembling carefully, making sure everything is squared up and double checking all factory assembled sections. I had some issues with a subsequent print attempt, though this is no fault of the printer. If you want a 3D printer to get your feet wet with, this one has a generous build volume, is easy to use and assemble, and it is relatively affordable as far as these things go. I highly recommend this printer!