- Link:
- https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07QC3 … &psc=1
- Price:
- $9.99
- Retailer:
- Amazon.ca
https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07QC3 … UTF8&psc=1
Bazillions of guns: rocket-launching shotguns, enemy-torching Revolvers, smgs that Fire Lightning rounds, and tons more
Radical art style: traditional rendering combined with hand-drawn textures give borderlands its iconic style
Intense vehicular combat: behind the wheel, engage in frenetic vehicle-to-vehicle combat
Bazillions of guns: rocket-launching shotguns, enemy-torching Revolvers, smgs that Fire Lightning rounds, and tons more
Radical art style: traditional rendering combined with hand-drawn textures give borderlands its iconic style
Intense vehicular combat: behind the wheel, engage in frenetic vehicle-to-vehicle combat
Amazon product: Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition – Playstation 4
Customer Reviews:
Great borderlands fun, revised graphics make it feel modern, game of the year has tons of content, a must play.